Prime Minister Theresa May and the Conservative Party

This page begins with a series of hopefully useful links on the Premiership of Theresa May followed by a month by month Chronology which you may access here. 

Click here for links to Guardian, BBC, ITV and House of Commons Library coverage of the Conservative Party Leadership Election 2019

Links to full coverage of the Premiership of Theresa May on  the BBCITV , Channel 4GuardianIndependent and Telegraph sites.,  I have to say that am finding the ITV coverage most accessible and it also has some very useful video clips.

Click here for detailed, informative articles from The Constitution Unit  and click here for MONITOR , the newsletter of The Constitution Unit

Click here  for House of Commons Library Brexit timeline:   Events leading to the UK's exit from the EU

Click here for The Brexit Effect from the Institute for Government. A detailed report on the implications of Brexit for the UK system of government**** .Most useful

Click here for Article 50 : Two Years On

Click here for articles on Theresa May and here for articles on The Conservative Party from The Conversation [There is some overlap as between these two lists of articles , obviously!]

Click here for The Brexit Prime Minister 3 Part Series by Steve Richards : begins Monday March 11th 2019 Essential listening!

Click here for What the xxxx is actually going on ? [Channel 4]

Click here for Brexit: How we got here [Channel 4]

Click here for Brexit explained [Channel 4}

Click here for series of videos from TLDR: Explaining Brexit

Click here for Guardian weekly Brexit Briefings

Click here for Guardian weekly Politics Podcast

Click here for Brexit : A Love Story   Mark Mardell Series for Radio 4  There have been 21 episodes so far covering the full history of the UK relations with the EEC/EU with episodes 14-21 covering the premiership of Theresa May. Further episodes will follow in 2019.

Click here for Dominic Cummings on Why Leave won the Referendum

Click here for TDLR/ Political Podcasts mainly on Brexit-related issues

Links to full coverage of 2017 General Election General Election Coverage [Guardian] and General Election Coverage [BBC]

Click here for a selection of links on the General Election of 2017 and its aftermath including negotiations with DUP and Mrs May's new Cabinet

Links to EU Referendum and Brexit Negotiations

Open University Open Learn Brexit Hub

BBC Brexit video Explainers

BBC Brexit Special Index

Click here for my assessment of Theresa May and Ideology [written late 2017]

Theresa May Chronology  July 21st 2016 onwards

   [THE END ]

July 2019

Theresa May's final speech outside No 10 Downing Street

Theresa May and public sector pay increases

Theresa May and public sector pay increases

Click here for Theresa May's last big speech as PM

PM Theresa May's final interview with BBC's Laura Kuenssberg

Sir Kim Darroch Resignation

Office for Tackling Injustices

The Impact of Austerity on Disabled People

Theresa May and UK Union

UK Government and Climate Change

UK Government and Climate Change

UK Government and Climate Change

June 2019

Theresa May and Climate Change at G20 meeting

The Windrush Scandal {Channel 4 coverage or leaked review]

Burning Injustices [Joseph Rowntree Foundation report for Buzzfeed]

Two-Child Benefits Limit

Two-Child Benefits Limit

The Guardian view on Grenfell: 2 Years On

Memorial to the Windrush Generation

From Thatcher to Brexit

Brexit and the strange of British Conservatism

Theresa May and children's mental health

Theresa May and Mental Health policies

Theresa May and the Environment [ Caroline Lucas ]

Theresa May commits to net zero carbon emissions by 2050

The Final Countdown

Theresa May Quits: PM's most memorable moments

Theresa May and "burning injustices"

Theresa May, Burning Injustices and Race Inequality[The Runnymede Trust]

Burning Injustices [Bright Blue/Joseph Rowntree Foundation]

Peterborough By- election

Peterborough By- election

Peterborough By- lection

Dominic Grieve, David Gauke and deselection threats

Infiltration of the Conservative Party?

Philip Hammond , Downing Street and the Environment

This and this  [Keep on Rocking in the Free World!]

State Visit by The Leader of The Free World

May 2019

The Augar Report on Further and Higher Education

The Augar Report : Guardian View

The Augar Report

Theresa May on Augar Report

Click here for "A Zombie Party; The Deepening Crisis of Conservatism" by Andy Beckett

How the Euro Election voting system works

The Euro voting system : some technicalities

UK European Parliament Election Results [Channel4]

UK European Parliament Election Results [BBC}

UK European Parliament Election Results [Guardian]

The Observer: editorial on a post-May Brexit

Boris Johnson : UK will leave EU in November  Deal or No Deal

Now it's a fight to the finish between a no deal Brexit and Remain

What makes the Tories think anyone will be better than Teresa May?

Channel 4: Theresa May resigns: New PM by the end of July

End Game: The Fall of Theresa May

Theresa May's slips , U turns and broken promises

UN Special Rapporteur on UK poverty

Theresa May and "burning injustices"

The Theresa May Story

Theresa May's legacy will be defined by Brexit chaos

Theresa May never had a grip on the crown which fell into her lap

Channel 4 coverage of Theresa May resignation

Theresa May resignation statement

ITV coverage: contains T. Mays full resignation statement

Theresa May announces June 7th resignation

How the European Parliament Elections work

Departure Date expected to be revealed:

BBC Coverage: Clips December 2018-May 2019

ITV coverage: Ministers predict it's D Day

ITV coverage: PM to meet Sir Graham Brady

  1. May clutches at final straws of pretence

Brexit: a subplot to the battle for the post-May Tory party

Andrea Leadsom resignation

  1. May rejects calls to resign.

Channel 4 coverage : Theresa May on the brink

BBC coverage: PM under fire over new Brexit plan

Channel 4 coverage: T. May offers MPs vote on second referendum

ITV coverage : What happens next?

ITV coverage of T. May deal

Labour will not support T. May's deal

MPS willnot accept "new" Brexit deal

Tory support drains away

EU despairs at emptiness of T. May deal

Analysis of new Brexit deal

No Deal Brexit a betrayal says P. Hammond

The end of Theresa May's hopes?

Theresa May and "bold offer" to MPs

The middle ground no longer exists over Brexit....

Group of Tory MPs restate One Nation values

One Nation Tories try to stop lurch to No Deal Brexit

May and Corbyn blame each other as talks collapse

Senior Tories warn against extended leadership contest

  1. May agrees to set timetable for choice of successor

The end of Theresa May

Theresa May agrees to set departure date

Tory leadership contenders

Theresa May in the past tens

  1. May agrees to set departure date after Brexit deal vote

T May told "set a departure date or be forced out

Labour say T. May is refusing to budge on Customs Union

No 10 hints Commons Brexit vote is make or break for T.May

MPs vow to vote down T. May deal

  1. may vows to put deal to MPs
  2. May faces ultimatum

Senior Tories pressure T. May to abandon cross party talks

  1. May still opposed to any form of Brexit referendum

Brexit Party poll surge

T May must set departure date

Irish Backstop

Tories could come sixth in Euro Elections

Theresa May buys some time

Theresa May rebuffs fresh calls to resign

Possibility of rule change to oust Theresa May?

Opposition to May_Corbyn "stitch up"

IDS: Theresa may must go

..Theresa May under pressure

Local Elections

Local Elections

Brexit and local elections

Gavin Williamson: several links


April 2019

Social Mobility Commission Report: State of the Nation 2018-2019

Theresa May and social mobility strategy

Tories predicted to lose 800 seats in local elections

Trump's UK visit and power of protest

Home Office investigated re English test cheating claims

Ultimatum to Cabinet Ministers in Huawei leak investigation

Home Office faces legal challenge over English test cheating claims

Huawei leak and collapse of Cabinet discipline

Guardian view on Huawei

Guardian view on Home Office

  1. May survives attempt to allow early confidence vote

What are the major threats to T. May's leadership?

Tories plan to vote for Brexit party

Failed EU negotiations

Little progress as talks resume

Senior Tories to vote on ousting Theresa May

Cross party talks to restart



Brexit: UK and EU agree delay to October 31

Brexit : A really simple guide

Brexit Extension: All you need to know

Analysis of Tory Party: Aditya Chakraborrty

Theresa May agrees to October Brexit

Tories resigned to long delay but warn against Customs Union

  1. May prepared  to accept longer Brexit delay

Could MPs thrash out a deal

Eu target delay of up to one year

May faces Tory opposition to Brexit delay

MPs pass Bill forcing T May to outline timetable for Brexit delay

Brexiter plans to oust May via indicative votes

Another video from Theresa May

Cabinet opposition to long Brexit delay

Tory opposition to Euro Elections

Party talks stalled

Delay Brexit till June 30th? Delay for a year?

T May to make written offers to J. Corbyn

Two Ministers resign

Junker Rejects May appeal for short Brexit delay

May to ask for short Brexit extension and talks with Labour

Detailed Channel 4 coverage of April 2nd

Cabinet crisis talks

Cabinet showdown

Nick Boles leaves Conservative party

How did MPs vote?

Soft Brexiters blame referendum supporters

Indicative votes: Round two

Snap General Election?

MPs to take back control


March 2019

Theresa May considers next step to break deadlock

Cabinet rift widens


Assessment of Theresa May {Andrew Rawnsley]

Assessment of Theresa May [Will Tanner]

What happens next?

Little Tory appetite for a new leader

Formation of new One Nation group

Tory MPs oppose snap Brexit General Election

Theresa May told to drop 4th vote plan and back no Deal Brexit

How did MPs vote?

4th vote? General Election?

What the papers say

Beaconsfield Conservative Party votes no confidence in Dominic Grieve

No Deal or General Election?

House of Commons Library report on indicative vote options

MPs vote against Withdrawal Agreement

MPs vote against Withdrawal Agreement

MPs vote against Withdrawal Agreement

How is this Commons vote different?

Leadership contenders

What is Theresa May's Plan B?

Leadership contenders

Withdrawal agreement unlikely to pass

Indicative vote graphics

MPs reject all indicative vote options

Responses to T. May's resignation offer

Theresa May Resignation offer

Analysis by Dr. Meg Russell {The Constitution Unit]

Ministerial resignations : detailed ITV coverage

Have MPs gained the upper hand?

MPs back indicative votes amendment

Ministers resign and MPs vote

Cabinet and Parliament developments

Michael Heseltine on Theresa May

Lack of Support for T. May's deal

What the Papers say about Chequers Summit


Latest Developments: BBC News Coverage

Latest developments: Philip Hammond and Michael Gove

Latest Developments: David Lidington

  1. May urged to quit to help deal pass

The failing coup against T May....

Reports of Cabinet Coup

Tory Mps plot T. May's downfall

I million join March against Brexit

Pro -Remain MPs and plans to revoke article 50

May urged to go

No deal Brexit still possible

May tells Johnson she will not step aside

EU seizes control of Brexit date

Cabinet Ministers say risk of no deal very real

TUC and CBI warning

Bercow defends MPs

PM faces calls for resignation

T May's No 10 Statement

Tory despair over leadership

Corbyn walks out of T. May Brexit meeting

EU will only back short delay if May Bill passes

Why MPs will ultimately have to back T. May's deal

T May to ask for three month extension

Some Tory Mps Oppose Johnson leadership

  1. May to ask for EU extension

Third Vote Blocked

Speaker Bercow and Third Vote

Thersa May will Scrap 3rd Brexit vote unless it has chance of success

What the PM offered the DUP

Theresa May and bid for DUP support

T May's Brexit deal :third time unlucky

On need for long delay

On "Brexit Ultras"

DUP denies seeking cash as price of support

David Liddington insists Cabinet is united

On the need for compromise

Another day of Brexit votes

How would an extension to article 50 work?

Graphics on recent Commons votes

  1. May to bring another Brexit vote to Commons

MPs to vote on extending article 50

MPs reject No deal Brexit but what happens next?


  1. Tusk and long brexit delay

How would an extension to article 50 work?

The PM may still be able to push her deal through

  1. May's final warning to Tory rebels

Deep Tory Divisions over Europe

MPs reject no Deal Brexit by Majority of 43 in second vote

Theresa may loses another Brexit Vote. Is it time she just gave up?

Theresa may humiliated but for MPS the real crisis starts now

How Tory Eurosceptics turned against Theresa May's brexit deal

What happens now?

Analysis of Theresa May defeat

Commons reject Theresa May Deal ; Theresa May Response

Theresa May battles to save Brexit Deal amid threats to oust her

Will Theresa May make the ultimate sacrifice to save her Brexit Deal?

MPS and blatant self interest

Theresa May and Gordon Brown Day

Big Brexit Vote: what do I need to know.

Minister rejects "May should quit "report

Brexit could be lost if deal rejected [Jeremy Hunt]


Brexiteer MPs say delay would be a political calamity

Limited progress: what are the options now?

Andrea Leadsom rejects latest EU proposal: it would break up the UK

Theresa May EU Brexit Speech in Grimsby

  1. May and help for the North

Warnings from ERG

Support for T.May from senior Tories

Amber Rudd Leadership prospects


How Theresa May keeps surviving profound historic losses

February 2019

Resignation of George Eustice

  1. May plans to gain Labour support

Costa amendment passes and Labour amendment fails

MPs vote to extend article 50

Rights of EU citizens

Theresa May says Britain can still leave on 29th March

Mps offered vote on no deal Brexit and possible delay

Tory MP threatens resignation

T May delays meaningful vote till March 12th

Delaying Brexit may be our last chance [O Letwin]

Brexit Must not be blocked [T. May]


Ministers should resign

Is Patience with Theresa may exhausted?

Brexit is breaking the mould

Tory MPs to block No Deal Brexit

No BRexit breakthrough for T. May

Will T. May call early election?

Ministers plan to stop No Deal Brexit

  1. Cooper's Bill

A Leadsom says No Deal still on Table

T May Defeated again as ERG abstain

  1. May Defeated
  2. May defeated
  3. May's approach has failed [Guardian editorial

Corbyn to hold Brexit talks lick

Theresa May appeal for more time

Theresa May to appeal for more time

Theresa May letter to Jeremy Corbyn

Theresa May rejects Jeremy Corbyn offer

Mps vote set to be delayed

Why is Theresa May going back to Brussels

Theresa May and pledge on workers' rights

Theresa May and pledge on Irish Border

Brexit and Ireland : Guardian view

Malthouse Compromise: podcast

Hard Brexiters say backstop must be removed

Business wishes to avoid Hard Brexit


January 2019

JC Juncker says threat of No Deal closer

  1. May under pressure from ERG to overhaul negotiating team

Theresa May says Parliament must back her deal to avoid No Deal

How Theresa May's plan was brokered despite Tory Divisions

EU says No Renegotiation

Amendments and Votes

EU dismisses Theresa May Plan

Theresa Mau and Brexit backstop amendment


  1. Brady and Brexit backstop amendment

Delayers, Leavers and Remainers

Permanent customs union and Backstop ;Juncker

No deal will disrupt economy Hammond

JRM and closure of Parliament

Brexit and Ireland

Yvette Cooper Amendment


Possible amendments to stop No Deal Brexit

Andrew Rawnsley

What must happen next?

Theresa May appeasing Hard - Brexit Tories?

Boris Johnson on Turkey

Can article 50 be extended?

Will May stand firm on Customs Union?

May Tells Corbyn "Impossible to rule out No Deal


Where Mays Ministers stand

What happens next?

EU position om alternative Brexit options

Corbyn : No talks with May until No Deal put aside

Timeline of events since R4eferendum

Theresa May Survives Confidence vote

More on heavy defeat

Theresa May Suffers heavy defeat


Theresa May Faces Confidence Vote

Polling data and the Norway Option [From The Conversation]

Prospects of "New Consensus" approach ;From The Conversation]

BBC on Newspaper coverage

How Theresa May hopes to survive

Theresa Mats Brexit deal and the alternatives

Theresa May unwilling to involve Jeremy Corbyn in Brexit compromise negotiations

Brexit at a standstill : Michel Barnier

How to fix the crisis

The Great Brexit Rebellion : podcast


Heaviest defeat in Parliamentary era

Ministers split over softening Brexit deal

No Confidence Vote: What Happens Next?

What Next? Guardian Editorial

Theresa May loses Brexit vote

The Theresa May View

What happens next?

Labour and No Confidence vote

CBI oppose No Deal Brexit


Theresa May and Unions

  1. May's authority further dented

Speaker John Bercow

Second Commons defeat in 24hours

Government defeated over No Deal preparations

Guardian weekly briefing  [Jan 8th]

The key political players

The No Deal WTO Option

PM warns of "uncharted territory"

  1. May pleads for EU concessions

What happens now?

Universal Credit rethink

10 Year Health Service Plan

Prospects for T.May's Brexit deal

Varadkar and Merkel discuss T. May's Brexit deal: no change?

DUP will not support T. May's Brexit deal

Opinion Poll: Conservative Party members

Clarification of Brexit backstop language?

Continuing DUP objections

New Year Message

New Year Message Video

What is a meaningful vote and how does it work?

December 2018

Talks with EU leaders ongoing

"The Sharks are circling"

12 months of Brexit Chaos

The Guardian vie of Political responsibility

Will David Gauke quit the Cabinet?

Amber Rudd and Second Referendum

Guardian view of immigration WhitePaper

Theresa May seeks Labour support fr Brexit plan

Corbyn urges Parliament recall

Stupid Woman?

Rees Mogg U turn

What are the oprtions?

Are negotiations continuing?

Some Cabinet Ministers support Second Referendum

The return of Cameron?

Jeremy Corbyn and Vote of No Confidence in Theresa May

New Brexit vote would undermine democracy says Theresa May

Divided Cabinet

Divided Cabinet

Failure of both major parties?

Brexit Delusions?

Senior Tories and Second Referendum Free Vote

Brexit Deadlock Is blocking vital domestic reforms

EU Brexit Backstop Offer

Commons Vote Likely in January

What happens now?

Theresa May as Lame Duck

Guardian view of vote of confidence

Theresa May Survives

Theresa May wins no confidence vote

Pledges and Promises

Theresa May to step down before 20122 General Election

Tories 40 year civil war

No Confidence vote triggered

Dash to Continent

Theresa May postpones vote

Brexit Deal Vote to be deferred

Cabinet split over second referendum

Defeat inevitable?

Defeat inevitable?

How many Tories will rebel?

Theresa May rejects cabinet pleas to postpone vote

Theresa May and Irish Backstop

Theresa May and Parliament

  1. Hammond says Brexit betrayal would damage society

UK can unilaterally Halt Brexit

Three Government defeats in a single day

Debate on Deal Begins

Theresa May Loses Contempt Vote

Government found to be in contempt of Parliament

From No confidence to no deal?

November 2018

Theresa May rules out Norway style compromise

Adapt or lose vote?

Extend Article 50?

How the meaningful vote will work

UK Will be worse off under every Brexit option

Chancellor Says UK will be worse off under all Brexit Scenarios

Tory Divisions

Government failure to reveal full Brexit legal advice

Polly Toynbee

Cost of Theresa May's Brexit Deal

Parliamentary obstacles

  1. May's Brexit Deal is doomed

Theresa May makes her case

Brexit Deal Explained

Boris Johnson at DUP Conference



Commons vote and Tory Party Threat to Theresa May

Fresh battles for Theresa May

A Deal is within our grasp

Key Brexit Dates: What happens next?

Sticking Points between UK and EU

Failure of Brexiter Revolt [for now}

Irish Border

Spain and Gibraltar

Jeremy Hunt supports Theresa May

Queue Jumping!?

Theresa May presses on

Matthew d'Ancona

Andrew Rawnsley

Sympathy for Mrs May

Ministers Lobby TM to renegotiate Deal

CBI backs T. May's Deal

  1. May admits DUP may not back deal

Wounded but still standing

Irreconcilable Differences?

6 Possible Scenarios

The Deal: everything you need to know

The Deal: John Redwood's View

EU Summit to finalise deal

Click here for full list of Government resignation 2016-2018

The Deal: Split Cabinet, Split Party, Split Nation

The Deal: Key Points

The Deal of Open Warfare

The Deal

Will Remainers rebel ?

DUP Warns Theresa May

Theresa May's Draft Brexit Deal

The long and winding road to Brexit

WTO Rules Explained

Theresa May and Cabinet Showdown

Theresa May and Cabinet Showdown

Key Dates

Jo Johnson Resignation

Tory Opposition to Theresa May Plan

Hard Brexit and Suez

Irish Border Issues


October 2018

Brexit and Budget


Jeremy Corbyn and Brexit

Cost of No Deal

Theresa May Speech

Polly Toynbee on Theresa May

Jeremy Heywood

Theresa May Statement full video

Theresa May Statement on Brussels Summit

Pressure from Brexiteer

Irish Backstop

Pressure from Brexiteers

Extend negotiation period?



DUP difficulties

Party Conference Speech

Party Conference


September 2018

Brexit and the Irish Border

Tory Divisions over Europe

Condemnation of Boris Johnson's Remarks

Boris Johnson describes Chequers Deal as "Suicide Vest"

  1. Johnson attacks T. May's Brexit plans
  2. Barnier strongly opposes T. May's trade proposals

D, Davis warns T. May

Autumn Party political Chaos

Ethical aid and Africa

August 2018

Kenyan President rebukes T. May

Tory Entryism?

Theresa May and Galileo alternative

Theresa May and Aid

Theresa May and Boris Johnson

Theresa May in Southern  Africa   [See 5 minutes in for Mrs May and Nelson Mandela]

T.M: "No deal Brexit wouldn't be the end of the world"

Hostile Environment: Anatomy of a Policy Disaster

Theresa May: the next 6 months

The problems of the Tory Party

Tory leadership poll

Tory Party Entryism

Continuous Brexit Talk

Legal challenge to EU Referendum

Rejection by EU of direct negotiation with individual states

Tories and Islamophobia

Tories and Islamophobia

CBI and Immigration  Targets

  1. May seeks support of grassroots Tories

T May-Macron Brexit talks 

  1. May and Brexit gridlock

Jeremy Hunt and No Deal Brexit

NIESR call for softer Brexit

Brexit and Northern Ireland Border

July 2018

Olly Robbins

Where do the Brexit negotiations stand?

Michel Barnier dismisses Theresa May proposals

Brexit: What happens next?

Divided Tories

  1. May and Dominic Raab

Brexit and Parliament

  1. May and DUP

Escape from Brexit deadlock?

Barnier dismisses May Whitepaper

Breaking vote pairs

Anna Soubry and the Tories

Irish Border and the Tories

Irish Border and the Tories

Boris Johnson condemns Brexit plan

Liaison Committee questions Theresa May re Brexit Plan

Brexit Factions after Customs Bill vote

  1. May, Brexit and PMQTs

Anna Soubry class for Unity Government

Amendment on Customs Union defeated

  1. May: Failing to govern?

Theresa May wins Customs Union Vote

Justine Greening endorses Second Referendum

What are the Customs and Trade Bills?

Theresa May and Political Crisis

Liam Fox and trade with USA


  1. Trump visit

Brexit Whitepaper

New Conservative Cabinet

Brexit and Northern Ireland Border backstop

May, Gove and Rees-Mogg

Resignation of Boris Johnson and David Davis

Chequers Plan

Chequers Plan

Chequers Plans

Chequers Plan and M.Gove

Chequers Plan

  1. Johnson and D. Cameron

Chequers Plan

David Davis and Chsquers Plan

Hammond and Brexit

Chequers Plan



Divided Tories

JUNE 2018

Gavin Williamson

Tories and NHS

  1. May, M. Thatcher and NHS



Hostile Environment

Hostile Environment : Anatomy of a policy disaster

Meaningful vote compromise

Meaningful vote: T. May wins

Meaningful vote



Survival Of Theresa May

MAY 2018

Theresa May should take back control

Theresa May and Northern Ireland Abortion Law

Theresa May and "revised customs proposals

Theresa May and Brexit Hardliners

Theresa May and Education

Theresa May, Brexit and Scotland

Theresa May and British prisoners in Iran

Theresa May splits Cabinet to consider Customs Options


Theresa May on Local Election Results

Local Election Results

Response to Lords Defeat






April 2018

Windrush Crisis

Click here for BBC coverage of appointment of Sajid Javid as new Home Secretary

Brexit Defeat in Lords

Click here and here and here and here for BBC coverage of Amber Rudd's resignation

Click here and here and here, and here and here for Guardian coverage of Amber Rudd's resignation

Brexit: It's not a done deal

Windrush Crisis

Downing Street rules out U turn on Customs Union Pledge

Government insists UK will leave  Customs Union

Possibility of U Turn on Customs Union Pledge

What is a Customs Union?

Free Trade Area, Single Market, Customs Union: what's the difference?

Pressure grows on May and Rudd over Windrush Scandal

Click here for Andrew Rawnsley Windrush Deportation article... so why has no-one resigned?

Guardian/Observer coverage of Windrush Deportation Crisis : here and here and here  and here

BBC coverage of Windrush Deportation Crisis  here and   here and here and here

Theresa May and HMRC

Government wins Commons vote over Syria military action

Syria military action: a decision for Parliament

Syria: the key players in the conflict

The Salisbury Poisonings

The Good Friday Agreement

Polly Toynbee on Brexit

March 2018

Cambridge Analytica

Theresa May, Boris Johnson and Brexit

11 Brexit promises leavers quietly dropped

Theresa May Pledge on NHS Funding

Britain is  heading for Norway

Fishing and Brexit

Theresa May and Police Funding Claims

Where do the Brexit negotiations stand

Theresa May and Cherry Picking on Brexit

Arlene Foster and Hard Irish Border

Irish PM dismisses Theresa May Border idea

Matthew d'Ancona on Brexit

Andrew Rawnsley on Brexit

Observer view of Theresa May Brexit Speech

February 2018

Concession on EU migrants rights during transition

Theresa May and Irish Border One   Two   Three

The day after the Chequers Meeting

The Brexit walls are closing in on Theresa May

What happened at Chequers?

Brexit Briefing

Corbyn and Brexit : One;

Labour shifts on Brexit

Ireland :OneTwoThree

Tories' Hard Brexit letter to Theresa May

Angela Merkel on Theresa May

Boris Johnson Speech


Parliament must take charge of Brexit [Andrew Rawnsley]

No 10 Downing Street and "the road to Brexit"

Brexit problems for the PM

Theresa May and Brexit [Observer editorial]

Conservative Party donors' apprehension

Theresa May and Brexit [BBC John Pienaar]

Theresa May and "Brexit War Cabinet"

Public Accounts Committee critical of Government slow preparations for Brexit

The British Chambers of Commerce view

Anna Soubry threatens to quit

Jacob Rees-Mogg

Brexit Ultras versus Tory Realists

Commons arithmetic and Brexit

No 10 rules out Customs Union

Matthew D'Ancona on Theresa May

Andrew Rawnsley on Theresa May

Criticism of Civil Service re Brexit

January 2018

Leaked Brexit Impact Report

More ongoing difficulties for Theresa May here and here and here and here

Conservative Ex-Ministers charge for Brexit- related advice

Theresa May [Article by Anne McElvoy]

Theresa Villiers, Jacob Rees- Mogg and Philip Hammond    and here

Ongoing leadership difficulties for Theresa May here and here  and here

Philip Hammond ,Theresa May and Brexit

Philip Hammond and Brexit

Unemployment data Autumn 217

Theresa May, Boris Johnson and The NHS

A critical assessment of PFI

The Conservative European Research Group

Carillion and Public sector outsourcing : article by Professor Simon Wren Lewis

Private Finance Initiatives: Guardian view

Theresa May and the Private Sector

Theresa May and Pension Schemes

Capitalism and Carillion

Nick Boles' criticism of Theresa May

Guardian coverage of Cabinet Reshuffle: One; Two;  Three; Four ; Five ;  Six ; Seven

BBC coverage of Cabinet Reshuffle : One;  TwoThreeFour


December 2017

Lord Adonis Interview

Resignation of Lord Adonis

Resignation of Lord Adonis

Click here and here for articles on Lord Heseltine Lord Heseltine: calls for withdrawal of Conservative Party Whip

Anne McElvoy article on Theresa May

BrexitOne Year On ; Lecture by Professor Vernon Bogdanor   [June 2017]

How much influence will UK Parliament have over EU withdrawal?

Brexit and the financial sector

Theresa May and “War Cabinet” Meeting

Next Brexit Fault Line: the Transition

Andrew Rawnsley

Now where for defeated Brexiters?

Compromise on date

Whips’ Behaviour

On to Stage 2

Government defeat: newspaper reactions

Government defeat on Brexit

Click here for the resignations of Sir Michael Fallon, Priti Patel and Damian Green

David Davis an “statement of intent”

Andrew Rawnsley

Gove: Voters can change EU Deal

Media: joy and jitters

Conservative goodwill

Gove and Johnson congratulate May

Sufficient Progress

The early morning dash to Brussels

David Davis and Impact assessments

Irish Border Issues

Irish Border Issues

Brexit Talks

Green Toryism

Alan Milburn Resignation

Damian Green Case

November 2017

Grenfell Inquiry

Donald Trump

Tax Avoidance

Philip Hammond Budget

Philip Hammond Budget

Johnson/Gove secret letter to May

Priti Patel Resignation [Guardian]

Priti Patel Resignation  [BBC]

Theresa May and Westminster Scandals

Sir Michael Fallon Resignation

October 2017

Business lobby groups and Brexit

The Conservatives , Housing and much more...

Proposed changes to Constituency Boundaries    and here

Theresa May Brussels Trip

PM faces rebellion over Brexit

Growing Parliamentary opposition to No Deal Brexit

"This Dangerous Deadlock..."

Debate on next stage of EU Withdrawal Bill postponed

Brexit Talks ; More Obstacles

"Now They have To  Pay"

Philip Hammond and "The Enemy"

Tory Right call for sacking of P. Hammond

The Speaker and Commons Brexit Vote

Theresa May and Party Conference

Theresa May and Secret Legal Advice re Halting Brexit

Theresa May and Political Courage

Will Theresa demote Boris?

The Next PM?

Theresa May Speech: Guardian View

Theresa May Conference Speech : Key Points

Theresa May and Tuition Fees

Theresa May and Party Conference

September 2017

Boris Johnson and Brexit

The Travails of the Tory Cabinet [Matthew d'Ancona : Guardian]

Boris Johnson , Theresa May and the Florence Speech

The Florence Speech and Tory Brexit divisions [Observer]

The Florence Speech: Guardian editorial

The Florence Speech ; detailed BBC coverage

Boris Johnson , Theresa May and Brexit

The Prime Minister is in denial

DUP backs Labour on NHS pay and tuition fees 

Public sector pay cap to be lifted

Government wins committee change vote

What next for EU Withdrawal Bill?

Government wins EU Withdrawal Bill vote

Very useful article on EU Withdrawal Bill [Prof. Mark Elliot]

EU Withdrawal Bill Guardian view

EU Withdrawal Bill

EU Withdrawal Bill: Pressure on Theresa May

UK Government willing to make concessions on EU Withdrawal Bill

How much Law comes from theEU?

Theresa May and EU immigration rules

Theresa May and public sector pay cap

Theresa May refuses to address European Parliament in public

Theresa May and the "Just About Managing"

Theresa May and Standing Committees

How long can Theresa May last?


August 2017

Theresa May and the long term

Theresa May and the long term

Critical assessment from Polly Toynbee

On the limitations of political leaders' power

Theresa May and the European Court of Justice

PM May critical of Trump comments on Far Right

PM critical of Far Right views but doesn't explicitly criticise  Trump

The Tories need fresh ideas    {Matthew d'Ancona}

Click here and here for new policy directions

Time for a Tory Glastonbury?

July 2017

No. 10 contradicts Hammond over off the shelf Brexit transition deal

Cabinet tensions over Post- Brexit free movement

Philip Hammond and Soft Brexit

Leadership Challenge ?

Leadership Challenge ?

Autumn Coup Attempt?

Chlorinated Chicken

Chlorinated Chicken

Theresa May's prospects

Theresa May, Michael Gove and Rupert Murdoch?

Sack Disloyal Ministers?

Theresa May: Cabinet Leaks

Theresa May Relaunch

Theresa May Relaunch

Critical assessment of Theresa May's first year

Critical assessment of Theresa May's first year

Unpopularity of Theresa May among Conservative Party Members

Click here for news that  BBC editor of The Daily Politics Robbie Gibb has been appointed

Who will become Theresa May's Director of Communications ?

David Cameron on public sector pay

Guardian editorial on public sector pay

Tories and negotiations with the Liberal Democrats

Whatever happened to fixed term Parliaments?

A critical assessment of Welfare Reform

Theresa May and Saudi Arabia

Top Tories rebel on public spending

Deteriorating opinion poll

Damian Green and review of tuition fees

June 2017

Confusion on Public Sector pay cap

Conservative-DUP Agreement

Brexit : What is UK offering EU citizens?

The Queen's Speech : Guardian editorial

Brexit Negotiations BBC

Threats of leadership challenge

Threats of a "Stalking Horse" Challenge

Queen's Speech 2018 dropped

Queen's Speech : Overhauled Priorities

Conservatives and the Brexit Battle

Theresa May and Conservative Party Factions

Theresa May and response to Grenfell Tower Fire Disaster

Click here for Guardian/Observer coverage of Grenfell Tower Fire Disaster

Click here for a selection of links on the General Election and its aftermath including negotiations with DUP and Mrs May's new Cabinet

Theresa May and report on funding of Jihadi groups

Theresa May and declining popularity

Theresa May and responses to terrorism

Theresa May and British values

May 2017


Theresa May interviewed on Manifesto U Turn

Theresa May and Social Care

A critical assessment of Tory Economic Policies [Prof. Simon Wren Lewis]

Theresa May appears on Facebook

Theresa May and Disability Benefit Cuts

Theresa May and Workers' Rights [Guardian editorial]

Theresa May and Workers' Rights [Polly Toynbee]

Theresa May and Ideology [Phillip Blond]

Theresa May's Cabinet  [Guardian]

April 2017

Click here for Andrew Rawnsley's Observer article on Theresa May [April 30th ]

Click here for Observer editorial on Theresa May's "lack of a credible programme" [April 30th]

IPSOS MORI Political Monitor

General Election Prospects [Robert Ford: Guardian]

General Election Coverage [BBC]

General Election Coverage [Guardian]

Theresa May's Election U Turn [BBC}

Theresa May and Trade with India   [Guardian]

Theresa May and Trade with Saudi Arabia  [Guardian]

Information on the Benefit Cap [BBC]

Sure Start [Guardian]

Freedom of Movement [Guardian]

Theresa May and Gibraltar [BBC]

Theresa May and Brexit Negotiation Issues [BBC]

March 2017

The Great Repeal Bill [BBC]

The Great Repeal Bill [Guardian]

Click here for recent welfare changes March 2017

Click here and here and here and here for more recent coverage March 2017

Theresa May's difficult week [Guardian]  [U turn, electoral expenses scandal, Scotland]

U Turn over planned National Insurance increase for self- employed [BBC}

Budget 2017: Key points

Will the PM allow indyref2 ?

Dismissal of Lord Heseltine

Health, Social Care and Education

Parliament defeat Dubs amendment

Leaked tape of Surrey's council tax government deal

More information on Surrey's council tax government deal

Plans  for more Grammar Schools

Second Brexit defeat for Government in Lords

IFS predicts very slow UK economic growth and increased income inequality[Guardian]

Government pledge to reverse Lords defeat [Guardian]

Government pledge to reverse Lords Defeat  on EU residents of UK[BBC]

February 2017

Stoke Central By-election result [Guardian]

Copeland By-election result [BBC]

NHS Difficulties [Guardian]

Domestic Violence [Guardian]

Dangers of Continued Austerity[Observer]

Brexit [Guardian]

Government White Paper on Brexit plan. [BBC]

House of Commons vote on Article 50 [BBC]


January 2017

Donald Trump and State visit to the UK

Theresa May and USA visit [BBC]

Supreme Court Decision on Parliament and Article 50 [BBC]

Theresa May's Brexit Speech [You Tube]

Theresa May's Brexit Speech Transcript [The Independent]

Theresa May's Brexit Speech Coverage [BBC]

Theresa May's Brexit Speech [Guardian]

EU Referendum and Brexit Coverage [Guardian]

Theresa May's Brexit Speech [Daily Mail]

Theresa May's Brexit Speech [Telegraph]

Theresa May's Brexit Speech :An Interpretation [The Conversation]

Theresa May and The Shared Society [Full Speech]

Theresa May and the Shared Society [via Facebook]

Sunday Telegraph article on Theresa May

Theresa May and The Shared Society [Telegraph]

Telegraph/Sunday Telegraph Coverage of Theresa May [many articles]

Theresa May and the NHS  : OneTwo [The Observer]

Theresa May article by Andrew Rawnsley

Theresa May's future speech on Brexit [The Guardian]

Theresa Maybe; Britain's Indecisive Prime Minister [The Economist]

Briefing on Theresa May's Premiership [The Economist]

Appointment of Sir Tim Barrow as new UK Ambassador to the EU [BBC coverage]

Appointment of Sir Tim Barrow as new UK Ambassador to the EU [Guardian coverage]

Resignation of Sir Ivan Rogers UK Ambassador to the EU [Guardian Editorial]

Resignation of Sir Ivan Rogers [Guardian coverage]

Resignation of UK Ambassador to the BBC [BBC]

December 2016

Theresa May, Brexit and the Civil Service [Guardian]

European Court of Justice rules Investigatory Powers Act Illegal [Guardian]

Embarrassment over Brexit leaks [Guardian]

Impact of Richmond Park By-Election [Observer]

Impact of Richmond Park By-Election [Observer]

Impact of Richmond Park By-Election [Observer]

Richmond Park By-Election: Result and Analysis [BBC]

The Tories and Hard Brexit [BBC]

10 Lessons from Richmond Park By-Election [Guardian]

Richmond Park and the Liberal Democrats [Prof. John Curtice: Guardian]

Richmond Park By-Election [Guardian]




Autumn Statement [BBC Coverage]

Autumn Statement [Guardian coverage]

The Investigatory Powers Act [BBC Radio 4 30 minutes]

The Investigatory Powers Act [BBC]

The Investigatory Powers Act [Guardian]

The Investigatory Powers Act [New Statesman]

Theresa May ,CBI Speech, Brexit  and Workers on Boards [BBC]

Theresa May and Workers on Boards [Guardian]

60 Conservative MPs back call  to leave Single Market [BBC]

Senior Tories urge Theresa May to drop Brexit Supreme Court Appeal [BBC]

Theresa May and Party Management [BBC]

Theresa May and the House of Lords [BBC]

Theresa May and the House of Lords [Guardian]

Theresa May and the House of Lords [Guardian]

Theresa May and India [Guardian]

Theresa May and relations with India [BBC]

Impact of Judicial Decision [Guardian: Heather Stewart and others]

Impact of Judicial Decision [Guardian Panel]

Impact of Judicial decision [Guardian: Polly Toynbee]

Impact Of Judicial decision [Guardian; Rowena Mason and others ]

Brexit , the Judiciary and Liz Truss [Guardian]

Brexit , the Judiciary and the Rule of Law [The Conversation]

Tory MP Stephen Phillips Resigns [BBC]

Tory MP Stephen Phillips Resigns {Guardian]

Theresa May , Judiciary  and Brexit [BBC

The Judiciary and Brexit [BBC]

The Judiciary and Brexit[BBC]




Zac Goldsmith resignation as Conservative MP over Heathrow decision [BBC]

Theresa May and One Nation Conservatism {Conservative Home: Tim Bale]

Third Runway at Heathrow approved [BBC}

Theresa May and Divisions in Cabinet [Andrew Rawnsley Observer]

Theresa May and Cabinet [Mark Mardell : BBC]

Theresa May and Philip Hammond[ Guardian]

On Mark Carney[Guardian]

Social Security Benefits [Report of IFS data]

The Conservative Government , Parliament and Brexit [Observer]

The State of British Politics [Observer]

Michael Wilshaw on Grammar Schools [Observer]

Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn and Brexit [BBC]

 MPs demand vote on Brexit Terms [Guardian]

Give Public a vote on Brexit Terms [Senior diplomat: Guardian]

British Politics and Big Money [Guardian]

Immigration and the UK Economy [The Independent]

The Conservative Party Conference [Owen Jones Guardian]

Theresa May and Brexit [Polly Toynbee Guardian]

Leaving the EU [BBC Information]


Theresa May, Populism and  and Grammar Schools [Gaby Hinchcliffe Guardian]

Theresa May and Hinckley Point

Theresa May [Polly Toynbee Guardian]


Theresa May and the next stages of Brexit {The Guardian]

The World according to Theresa May [The Conversation]

Theresa May must now define herself [Matthew d'Ancona Guardian] 

Theresa May , Obesity and Poverty [Guardian H. Siddique and R. Syal]

George Osborne and Hinckley Point [Guardian]


Theresa May, Hinckley Point and related matters [Andrew Rawnsley]

Cabinet Dissension over Europe Independent 

Theresa May and PMQT Guardian

Theresa May and PMQT Guardian

Theresa May and Poverty Polly Toynbee Guardian

Theresa May in France Guardian

Theresa May in France BBC

Theresa May in France BBC

Theresa May in Germany BBC July



The First Week

Who is Theresa May? BBC

Theresa May : One Nation Conservative BBC

Theresa May: New Prime Minister Guardian

Theresa May's Speech ; an interpretation Guardian

George Osborne; An Ex-Chancellor Guardian

George Osborne : a critical assessment [Aditya Chakrabortty: Guardian]

Philip Hammond : New Chancellor BBC

Abolition of DECC

The new Cabinet [BBC]

The new Cabinet {BBC]

The new Cabinet [Polly Toynbee Guardian]

Gender  diversity in the first  May Government [LSE]

Government axes Department of Energy and Climate Change [BBC]

Government axes Department of Energy and Climate Change [Guardian]

The new Cabinet {Guardian]

New Cabinet Personnel {Guardian]

Junior ministerial appointments [Guardian]

The new Government [Guardian editorial]

Theresa May to visit Scotland [Guardian]

Theresa May [Martin Kettle Guardian]

Boris Johnson [The Guardian Page: several articles]

A progressive's guide to Theresa May  [The New Statesman]

Theresa May and Policy [The New Statesman]

Michael Gove: from hero to zero in 3 weeks [The Huffington Post]

Liam Fox [The Independent]

Theresa May [Observer Editorial]

Theresa May and the Conservative Party [Professor Tim Bale Observer]

Theresa May [Andrew Rawnsley Observer]