Latest Links: Sociology of Education

Russell Haggar

Site Owner

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Latest Links: Sociology of Education

July - 2024

The first links in this section relate to the initial education policy initiatives of the Labour Government elected July 5th 2024.

Click here for Guardian analysis of school attainment gap

Click here for continuation of national tutoring scheme

Click here for school discipline policy

Click here for Professor Becky Francis to head new curriculum review

Click here for pay claim

Click here for T Levels

Click here for new  appointment for Sir Kevan Collins

Click here and here  for Labour reversal of decision to end Private Schools’ charitable status

Click here for additional information on Labour’s Private Schools Policy from the BBC

Click here for Guardian on Labour’ Private Schools Policy.

Click here  and here and here for IFS and VAT on Private Schools

Click here for Guardian article indicating that number of Private School pupils has increased in recent years despite increased fees.

Click here for a BBC  debate on the cases for and against charging VAT on Private School Fees

Click here for the Private Education Policy Forum [website for the discussion of Private Education].


January-December 2024

The Sociology links for 2024 are organised under the following headings: General; Social Class and Education; Gender and Education; Ethnicity and Education; Education Policy; Education Theory.


Click here for my teaching notes on The Sociology of Education

Click here for Recent Trends in Educational Achievement: Social Class, Gender, and Ethnicity.

Click here  or Panorama on Immigration [Link to Education and Globalisation]

Click here for Revision Activities from The Sociology Guy

Social Class and Education

Click here for middle class responses to pandemic.

Click here for Cabinet membership and private education.

Click here for Class, ethnicity, and Higher Education [Detailed]

Click here for Schools and Foodbanks

Gender and Education

Click here for item on toxic masculinity.

Click here and here for subject choice and single sex schools

Click here for a defence of Private Education for Girls

Click here for single sex girls’ schools.

Click here for gender and subject choice.


Ethnicity and Education                                                                  

Click here for Ethnicity and Key Stage 5 subject choice.

Click here and Click here for Diversity and Inclusion in Stem.

Click here for Class, ethnicity and Higher Education [Detailed]


Education Policy

Click here and Here for IFS Research on the Sure Start Programme

Click here for BBC coverage and here  and here for Guardian coverage of the IFS Sure Start research

Click here for fft educationdatalab newsletter.

Click here for Prevent.

Click here and here and here and here   and here and here    and here for Finland.

Click here and here and here and here for PISA results.

Click here for HE student finance.

Click here and here for item on HE finance .

Click here  for international students in UK Higher Education.

Click here for recruitment agents for international students.

Click here for  Higher Education and Foreign students.

Click here for foreign students.

Click here for Ofqual analysis of GCSE And GCE Advanced Level Results by School Type,

Click here for restrictions on student numbers.

Click here for cost of living crisis.

Click here for Higher Education in the UK

Click here for international students in UK Higher Education

Click here for NFER item on School funding.

Click here for latest EEF resources on the Pupil Premium

Click here for useful item on T levels.

Click here for Guardian assessment of multi-academy trusts.

London Challenge

Click here and here and here and here and here and here  and here for the London Challenge


School Building issue

Click here for Ros Atkins item.

Click here for IFS coverage.

Click here for Guardian Raac page,

Click here and here and here.

Click here for BBC Raac coverage.

January 2023- December 2023


Click here [summary]  for Education Inequalities [Class, gender, ethnicity, region….

Click here for response to GCE A Level results by Professor Lee Elliot Major

Click here for analysis of A Level results by Toby Helm [ with link to OFQUAL graphics]


 Social Class and Education

Click here for good class, ethnicity, and gender article.

Click here for recent class, ethnicity, and gender article.

Click here for article by Mary Curnock Cook on recent select committee report on white working class pupils [2020]

Gender and Education

Click here for Girls, Private schools and A Level physics

Click here for the possible need for more male teachers. [ITV News]


Ethnicity and Education

Click here for Inclusive Britain:  government response to Sewell Report

Click here for Critical Race Theory: Confronting, Challenging and Rethinking White Privilege [Professor Kalwant Bhopal]

Click here for detailed article on Ethnicity and educational achievement.

Click here for very useful paper on Kashmiris and HE

Click here for a recent article by Ian Cushing in The Conversation on ethnicity and language.

Click here  for a recent article by Ian Cushing and Julia  Snell in The Conversation on ethnicity and language  and here for their research paper

Click here  for  FSM and ethnicity which shows that very few Chinese and Indian pupils are eligible for FSM based on official data.

Click here for audio podcast: Derron Wallace on The Culture Trap

Click here for Sure Start and ethnicity failure

Click here for item from David Gillborn 2001

Click here for lecture on Parekh Report

Click here and here and here for outline of Race Relations legislation

Click here for definition of Institutional Racism

Click here for excellent article on race relations in the Blair era

Click here for Covid and ethnicity

Click here and here for Confucius institutes

Click here and here for immigration

Click here for recent Ipsos Mori poll on attitudes to immigration


Education Policy

Click here for education spending trends

Click here for Eton and Free Schools

Click here and here and here for new SEND schools

Click here for Guadian item on Free Schools [February 2021]

Click here for item on Free Schools [from SchoolDash June 2023]

Click here for university costs

Click here and here for scrapping of Schools Bill

Click here for National Tutoring Programme.

Click here and here and here for latest Pirls  results [education and globalisation]

Click here for BBC discussion of OFSTED [Laura Kuenssberg].

Click here for the Guardian’s Ofsted page.

Click here for headteachers’ criticisms of Ofsted inspections.

Click here for the death of Headteacher Ruth Perry.

Click here for changes to OFSTED inspections regime and here for Guardian Ofsted page

Click here  for Parliamentary brief on Ofsted .and here and here and here and here

Click here for Guardian Academies page

Click here for Guardian article on Ofsted ratings of council-maintained schools and academies [August 2023]

Click here for fft educationdatalab article on Ofsted ratings of council-maintained schools and academies [August 2023]


Click here for recent OFSTED data on performance of academies

Click here and here and here  for Reviews of Factories for Learning by Christy Kulz

Click here for Grammar Schools

Click here for Grammar Schools, Comprehensive schools and social mobility

Click here for Tax, private schools and state school spending [IFS July 2023

Click here for item on private school finance

Click here for LSE Event on Chums by Simon Kuper [Private Schools]

Click here for the Private Education Policy Forum website

Click here for Mathematics for 18 year olds.

Click here for Mathematics for 18 year olds.

Click here for Mathematics for 18 year olds {The Briefing Room podcast].

Click here and here [full report]and here and here and here for 2023 information on T Levels

Click here for Guardian on tuition fees.

Click here for Keir Starmer and tuition fees.

Click here for the News Agents on Student Loans.

Click here for national tutoring programme

Click here  and here and here and here and here for new Government regulations  of universities[2023]   and here [2020]

Click here for T levels

Education Theory

Click here and here  and here and here for a review and some podcasts of Henry Giroux


January 2022- December 2022

Click here for school admissions.

Click  here for lecture by Professor Diane Reay on Poverty and Education

Click here for interview with Diane Reay [2018]

Click here for Education in Inequality: The Deaton Review which has links to all the following papers

Click here for IFS seminar presentation on Educational Inequalities and the Deaton Report

Click here for IFS article on Private Schools and Inequality for the Deaton Report [F Green]

Click here for IFS article on Education Inequalities for the Deaton Report [Christine Farquharson, Sandra McNally, Imran Tahir]

Click here  for IFS article on Education Inequalities for the Deaton Report [Christine Farquharson, Sandra McNally, Imran Tahir]

Click here for IFS article on Measuring and understanding contemporary English educational inequalities for the Deaton Report [ Diane Reay]

Click here for Inequality in post 16 Education for the Deaton Report [S. Field]

Click here for The stubborn persistence of educational inequality for the Deaton Report [Richard Breen]

Click here for Conversation article on the Deaton Report and Education

Click here for Science Capital {Professor Mike Savage]

Click here and here and here and here and here for new forms of cultural capital/science capital

Click here for item on private schools and examination results.

Click here for a report on Private Schools’ international expansion [from Private Education Policy Forum]

Click here for detailed article socioeconomic status and primary school performance.

Click here for Social Class and access to higher education [Louise Archer]


Education, Setting/Tracking and Streaming

January 2022- December 2022

Click here for tracking [ lecture by Becky Francis 2019]

Click here for attainment grouping and educational inequality [ Becky Francis and colleagues 2020]

Click here for tracking and self-fulfilling prophecy [ Becky Francis and colleagues 2020]

Click here for the symbolic violence of setting [ Becky Francis and colleagues 2018]

Click here for maths setting [ Becky Francis and colleagues 2019]

Click here for Mixed attainment grouping [ Becky Francis and colleagues 2018]

Click here for Attainment grouping as self-fulfilling prophecy [ Becky Francis and colleagues 2017]

Gender and Education

  January 2022- December 2022

Click here for a Guardian article by Laura Bates emphasising the value of feminist ideas for boys [add to section of notes on Feminisation of education]

Click here for addition to gender and educational achievement [resister boys etc]

Click here for Richard Reeves on Gender

Click here for Does the gender of the teacher matter?

Click here for Gender, achievement, and subject choice in English education.

Click here for Girls and Physics


Ethnicity and Education

January 2022-December 2022

Click here for Is Political Blackness gone for good?

Click here for DfE publication on Ethnicity and attainment.

Click here for A Short History of “Race” in British Schools: a 75 year time line.

Click here for Aks or Ask   Linguistic prejudice.

Click here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here for the English test scandal

Click here for Chinese on Campus [BBC Radio 4]

Click here for teacher bias and black pupils’ attainment.

Click here for social justice, exclusion, and white privilege in universities [lecture by Professor Kalwant Bhopal 2018[

Click here for White under-achievement  and here for an interactive committee item.


Education Policy

January 2022-December 2022

Click here for postponement of 4 T levels.

Click here for very useful BBC item on Grammar Schools [February 2023]

Click here for a critical thread on Nick Gibb

Click here for education bill scrapped.

Click here for uncertain future of BTECs.

Click here for pause in Government plans to abolish technical qualifications.

Click here for recent article on apprenticeships.

Click here for globalisation and higher education.

Click here for Ofsted and Holland Park

Click here for detailed item on Private Education

Click here for FFT Educationdatalab Key Stage One results.

Click here for PISA tests.

Click here for PISA tests.

Click here for nice item on globalisation {Add to globalisation page]

Click here for Erasmus and Turing schemes [Add to globalisation page]

Click here for mix of video resources on globalisation and neoliberalism,

Click here for article on Pearson from 2012

Click here for Faith Schools and Academies.

Click here for continued expansion of HE

Click here and here and here and here and here and here   and here and here for recent BBC items on Higher Education

Click here for School Suspensions and Exclusions

Click here for problems with Special Educational Needs provision.

Click here for Trojan Horse affair.

Click here for item on Trojan Horse affair.

Click here  the Pupil Premium

Click here for reports on education from House of Commons Library [continuously updated]

Click here for item on citizenship.


Education Theory

January 2022-December 2022

Click here and here and here and here for education and postmodernism

Click here and here for Marxism and postmodernism.

Click here for Henry Giroux article on Resistance.

Click here for Marxism, education, and globalisation.

Click here for IoE debates on Education.

Social Class and Education

June 2021- December 2021

Click here for an item on poor housing

Click here for Tutor2U revision videos on the Sociology of Education

Click here and  here for articles on setting and streaming

Click here for detailed article on Basil Bernstein

Click here for Class, gender and ethnic differences in subjects taken at age 14

Click here   and here for information on OFSTED

Click here for Sutton Trust Report on Access the early education

Click here for Sky TV coverage of GCE Advanced Level results 2021

Click here and especially  here for UCAS HE applications  data  2021

Click here for BBC item on private and state schools

Click here and here and here  Guardian coverage of GCE A Level results 2021

Click here for full JCQ GCE Advanced Level data 2021

Click here for Sutton Trust Comment on GCE Advanced Level results 2021

Click here and here for Sam Freedman’s views on education policy

Click here for Against the Odds [ Social Mobility Commission Report

Click here for article on Private Education and access to Oxbridge

Click here for a recent [2019] article on private education

Click here for Equality of access and outcomes in Higher Education in England

Click here for knife crime. What does this tell us about inner city life?

Click here to download the 2022 JRF UK Poverty Report which has detailed information on Child Poverty

Click here and here  and here  for useful articles on Higher Education

Click here for Garth Stahl article on Habitus and Social Class

Click here for a link to all of Craig Gelling’s Tutor2u education podcasts

For a Louise Archer pdf document on Poverty of aspiration Click Here and here for science education

Click here for useful teaching notes from Turton School

Click here for very detailed analysis of GCSE and GCE Advanced Level results 2021

Click here for list of PPTXs on Education from Napier Sociology

Click here for Education and Economy book

Gender and Education

  June-December 2021

Click here for summary of Carol Fuller research: Sociology, gender and educational ambitions: girls and their aspirations [2009]

Click here for Ofqual Analytics: Interactive visualisations of results trends in GCSE, A Level and Vocational and technical qualifications

Click here for gender differences in examination results at GCE Advanced Level

Click here for Gender Differences in Examination results at GCSE Level

Click here for JCQ GCSE and A Level data for 2021. The link to Other Results Information is very useful e. g. on relative subject popularity and Gender differences in subject choice.

Click  here for Guardian coverage of GCSE data for 2021

Click here for Guardian coverage of A Level data for 2021

Click here for BBC coverage of GCSE data for 2021

Click here and here for BBC coverage and of A Level data for 2021

Click here for ffteducationdatalab coverage of GCSE and A Level results trends to 2021

Click here for ffteducationdatalab coverage of Gender differences in A level subject entry 2017=2021

Ethnicity and Education

June 2021-December 2021

Click here and here and here for latest KS 4 data

Click here for Widening Participation in Higher Education [October 2021]

Click here for article on The Bell Curve

Click here for Ethnic, socio-economic and sex inequalities in educational achievement at age 16 [Steve Strand 2021]

For Ethnic Inequalities under New Labour [from 2005]  Click here to Download



Education Policy

June 2021-December 2021

Click here for IFS item on education spending

Click here for Panorama and Coca Cola for Cola-isation

Click here for Academies and Lies [from 2014]

Click here for some useful information on T Levels from Karl Thompson’s Revise Sociology site

Click  here for slowing down of BTEC cull


January 2021- June 2021

Click here for detailed article on ability grouping in primary schools

Click here for article University’s not for me…I’m A Nike Person tutor2u summary

Click here for recent article on stigmatisation of working class parents

Click here for Ph. D thesis by Mary Bourne: Social=Class Inequality in Educational Attainment and Participation in England [2015]

Click here for detailed article on Marxism and Education by Mike Cole [2019]

Click here for educational achievement and social class statistics

Click here   for an article on Functional and Conflict Perspectives on Education

Click here  and here   for BBC items on poor white teens

Click here  for review by Ross Goldstone of Posh Boys by Robert Verkaik

Click here for Schooling in Capitalist America Revisited [S Bowles and H. Gintis 2002]

Click here  for a recent article on Talcott Parsons

Click here and here for David Gillborn presentations

Click here of SMC item on Course selection and here for UCA|S report on subject choice and here for BBC coverage

Click here for item on Poverty and A Level students

Click here for Inequalities in education and society [ Professor Alice Sullivan]

Click here for lecture on the Birmingham Trojan Horse Affair by Professor John Holmwood

Click here for item on private schools

Click here  for DFE data on GCSE results 2020

Click here for update on GCSE results 2020


September 2020- December 2020

Click here for Conversation article on Free School meals

Click here for latest DFE data on Widening Participation in HE 2019/19 [published July 2020] and click here for a Guardian article on this DFE Report

Click here for a very useful article on Cultural Capital by David Buckingham

Click here for detailed article on Bernstein and Labov

Click here for new item on the white working class and education

Click here for recent article by Diane Reay and here for Diane Reay’s views on external and internal factors

Click here for recent Class-Education research using NS SEC

Click here for report on “Gifted and Talented pupils” from House of Commons Library [December 2020]

Click  here for catch up tuition


Ethnicity and Education

January 2021- June 2021

Click here for TES coverage and here and here for Guardian coverage for BBC coverage of recent Education Select Committee Report

Click here for the Select Committee Report: The Forgotten: how White working class pupils have been let down…

Click here for latest DFE data on Widening Participation in HE 2019/19 [published July 2020] and click here for a Guardian article on this DFE Report

Click here for Race, Racism and Education

Click here for Subnormal: A British Scandal [BBC documentary]

Click here  for item on London schools

Click here for ONS item on Child Poverty and educational outcomes by ethnicity

Click here for item on Black History

Click here for David Gillborn podcast on Critical Race Theory



September 2020- December 2020


Click here for Professor Kalwant Bhopal lecture: Social justice, exclusion and white privilege in universities

Click here for Being Black at Cambridge University

Click here for ethnicity and Curriculum

Click here for detail on  Afro=Caribbean GCSE results from education data lab

Click here for education data lab report; How pupil characteristics interact to influence education outcomes

Click here for Guardian article on school exclusions of Black working class students

Click here for an article on racism inside schools

Click here for a detailed article on Chinese students by Professor Becky Francis and colleagues


Gender and Education

January -June 2021

Click here  for BBC item on Gender Gap in Education

Click here and here for Guardian coverage of sexual harassment in schools 



Education Policy

January 2021- June 2021

Click here and here and here for private education

Click here for House of Commons publication on reform of GCSE, AS and A Level courses [from 2017]

Click here for House of Commons Publication on The National Curriculum

Click  here for Free Schools

Click here for The Guardian’s Academies page and here for The Great Academy Schools Scandal by Sonia Sodha

Click here for The Guardian Apprenticeships page

Click here for BBC coverage of arrangements for 2021 GCSE, GCE Advanced Level and BTEC assessments for 2021

Click here for BBC item on Education and parental choice [from 2019]

Click here for Sutton trust item on Schools Admission Policies

Click here for the Birmingham Trojan Horse Affair


September 2020- December 2020

Click here for detailed paper on Conservative Education policy 2015-2020

Click here for an Education Policy podcast which covers education policies since 1944 in some detail. The podcast lasts approximately. two hours

Click here for Parliamentary brief on student loans

Click here for post-GCSE education trends [BBC]

Click here for Sutton Trust Report: School Places: A Fair Choice

Click here for Geography and Social Mobility from Social mobility Commission and video presentation here

Click here for HE Commons Research Briefing: Higher education student numbers

Click here for Education Policy Institute Report

Click here   For George Monbiot’s critical assessment of the  Policy Exchange  Think Tank

Click here for public school subsidies

Click here for detailed DFF PISA Report 2018

Click here for detailed DFE TIMSS Report 2020

Click here  for more coverage of TIMMS report