ALYR1/2- The Labour Party

Russell Haggar

Site Owner

The Labour Party 1945-1997


Documentary on Clement Attlee [BBC 4] - Click Here

New Statesman article one Clement Attlee : - Click Here 

New Statesman article two Clement Attlee : - Click Here 

Harold Wilson 1 - Click Here

Harold Wilson 2 - Click Here

For the Obituary article on Harold Wilson  - Click Here

James Callaghan 1 - Click Here

James Callaghan 2 - Click Here

For the Obituary article on James Callaghan - Click Here

The Formation of the SDP [Guardian] - Click Here

For the Guardian’s Obituary of Lord Dennis Healey - Click Here

Visit the Left Futures Website for video materials on the life and times of Tony Benn - Click Here

Essay on Post-War Consensus - Click Here

Labour 1979-1997: The Wilderness Years [4 Part BBC documentary ]  December 2012 - Click Here

The Legacy of Tony Crosland [ Queen Mary College University of London Conference transcripts and videos] - Click Here

Tony Crosland and British Social Democracy - Click Here

Fabian Review items on Tony Crosland - Click Here


Tony Blair and the Labour Party

The Deal - Click Here

Tony Blair and Parliament [From the BBC] - Click Here

Tony Blair [Interviewed by Jeremy Paxman 2001] - Click Here

Andrew Rawnsley’s Three Part Assessment of the Premiership of Tony Blair [From The Guardian] - Click Here

The Rise and Fall of Tony Blair One - Click Here

The Rise and Fall of Tony Blair Two - Click Here

The Last Days of Tony Blair - Click Here

The Blair Years - Click Here

Tony Blair: The Inside Story - Click here  and  Click here

 Tony Blair: PM or President? [From 2005] -  Click here

For The Rehabilitation of Tony Blair? [Guardian podcast: 23 minutes] - Click Here

 For Blair and Brown: The New Labour Revolution - Click here

Useful Resources on Tony Blair from Tutor2U - Click Here

Heroes or Villains? The Blair Government Reconsidered - Click Here    March 2019

 What is the Third Way? [From BBC] - Click Here

Anthony Giddens on the Third Way in 2010  - Click Here     March 2018

   Another related article for Third Way 2010  - Click Here

    Another related article for Third Way 2010 - Click Here  

 Another related article for Third Way 2010 - Click Here 

For further articles on Anthony Giddens and The Third Way - Click Here

 For a 2006 lecture by Anthony Giddens on Tony Blair  with some discussion of The Third Way - Click Here

Social Democracy after the Third Way :Restoration or Renewal ?    Detailed technical paper by Arndt C and Kersbergen K - Click Here

Left, Right and the Third Way [S. Driver and L. Martell] - Click Here

Labour Party: A PowerPoint Presentation - Click Here to Download

Link to David Coates’ website articles on current British Politics, especially the politics of the Labour Party - Click Here

Tony Blair and Thatcherism - Click Here

Tony Blair on Labour Governments 1997-2010 - Click Here

BBC Item on Blue Labour - Click Here 

BBC Analysis on Blue Labour - Click Here


Blue Labour

For further information on Blue Labour - Click here and here

New Statesman article by Rowenna Davis on Blue Labour - Click Here

David Runciman on Blue Labour - Click Here

  The Guardian on The Purple Book - Click Here 

 The New Statesman on The Purple Book - Click Here 

Blue Labour Website - Click Here     January 2016   


Gordon Brown and the Labour Party

LSE Podcast  by Anthony Seldon on the Premiership of Gordon Brown - Click Here

For Steve Richard’s Radio 4 Series on the Premiership of Gordon Brown - Click Here

For Simon Lee’s article on Gordon Brown’s government - Click Here

For article on Gordon Brown [See especially “Policy Vision” section] - Click Here

For Chris Mullin’s  Guardian review of William Keegan’s reassessment of Gordon Brown February 2013 - Click Here

For Steve Richards video  talk on Gordon Brown - Click Here

Philip Coman {Observer] article on Labour Party and Capitalism - Click Here

The Policy Network Website: a Mine of Information on New Labour and After - Click Here 

Guardian article: Labour’s Lost Liberalism  March 2012 - Click Here

The Guardian on Jon Cruddas  May 2012 - Click Here


Ed Miliband and the Labour Party


Benjamin Disraeli  for Ed Miliband and One Nation Politics  October 2012 - Click Here

For Ed Miliband and One Nation Politics  October 2012 - Click Here

For New Statesman article by Rowenna Davis on Blue Labour  October 2012 - Click Here

For “What does Ed Miliband really think?” [Steve Richards for Radio 4] November 2012 - Click Here

For “The Role of the State in the good Society [JON Cruddas lecture published in New Statesman] December 2012 - Click Here

For Good bye to Old and New Labour Jan 2013 - Click Here

For  first of two useful Observer articles April 2013 - Click Here

For second useful Observer articles April 2013 - Click Here

Blue Labour and the Welfare State June 2013 - Click Here

Labour and Predistribution   [BBC Radio 4 Analysis] June 2013 - Click Here

For “Where is Labour going wrong?” [Guardian article by John Harris]  August 2013 - Click Here

For Guardian article on the formation of Left Unity September 2013 - Click Here

The Guardian’s One Nation Series [Extracts from the above E-Book] September 2013 - Click Here

The Ideas of Ed Miliband [New Statesman article by Raphael Behr] November 2013 - Click Here

The Making of Ed Miliband [Guardian article by Raphael Behr] April 2015 - Click Here

The Aftermath of Ed Miliband’s Resignation [Guardian article by Raphael Behr] May 2015 - Click Here

Labour dies again [Ross McKibbin London Review of Books] May 2015 - Click Here

How Labour Politicians disowned the Party’s Key  Policies [ Guardian article by Daniel Boffey ] June 2015 - Click Here

Ed Miliband and Labour’s General Election Defeat [Guardian article by Patrick Wintour ] June 2015 - Click Here

 Discussion on the Future of the Labour Party [Radio 4: Chair Andrew Rawnsley ] June 2015 - Click Here


Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party


Leadership Difficulties of Ed Miliband and Jeremy Corbyn August 2015 - Click Here

Selection of articles on Labour Party Leadership Election NEW September 2015 - Click Here

BBC Review of the Year 2015 NEW December 2015 - Click Here

BBC on Labour in 2015  New December 2015 - Click Here

Article on Jeremy Corbyn {The Economist] December 2015 - Click Here

Various Items on the Election of Jeremy Corbyn 2015 - Click Here

Article on Jeremy Corbyn [Sam Knight for The New Yorker] May 2016 - Click Here

Article on Jeremy Corbyn [A very public sociologist May 2016 - Click Here

Article on Jeremy Corbyn [Labour List] May 2016 - Click Here

Article on Jeremy Corbyn[ Economist]  May 2016 - Click Here

Jeremy Corbyn  Lecture at LSE: Transcript : Rebuilding the Politics of Hope May 2016 - Click Here

The Guardian on the Labour Party Leadership [2000+ articles] July 2016 - Click Here

Blue Labour: Forging a New Politics [Book Review] September 2016 - Click Here

Blue Labour in the era of Corbyn - Click Here

The Labour Leadership Election 2016  September 2016 - Click Here

Tony Blair’s Legacy  : 20 Years on May [BBC] 2017 - Click Here

The Labour Party and the 2017 General Election: Guardian Long Read  September 2017 - Click Here

The Labour Party in September 2017 [The Economist] September 2017 - Click Here

Articles from Andrew Heywood’s Website  [Scroll down for article on The Rise of Jeremy Corbyn]. - Click Here

Jeremy Corbyn : Class and Nation - Click Here

Assignment: Voting Behaviour and Social Class 1992 -2019 - Click Here

Keir Starmer and the Leadership of the Labour Party : Links - Click Here  September 2020-February 2024