The Ideology of the Conservative Party under David Cameron: Some Hopefully Useful Links

Russell Haggar

Site Owner

Reorganisation of this Page; from November 2015

The links which I have been collecting  since 2005 on The Ideology of the Conservative Party under David Cameron have originally been listed in chronological order. However now that the list is a fairly long one I have decided that from October 2015 onwards the most recent links will be listed first and these will be followed by the original chronological list from 2005 to September 2015. You may also click here for links from May 2015 to September 2015.I hope these changes will help those visitors who are looking for most recent developments.

It's over but I  shall be adding  more overall assessments of David Cameron's Premiership 


Most Recent Links: October 2015--

David Cameron and Conservative Renewal: The Limits of Modernisation?

Where is British Conservatism Today?[1] [Tom Barker OxPol Blog published 2014]

Where is British Conservatism Today?[2] Tom Barker OxPol Blog published 2014]

Where is British Conservatism Today?[3] Tom Barker OxPol Blog published 2014]

On David Cameron [New Statesman]

On David Cameron [Dominic Sandbrook: New Statesman]

On David Cameron [Prof. Tim Bale : New Statesman]

The End of Neoliberalism. What comes next? [Martin Jacques Guardian]

Cameron's Misjudgement /[Andrew Rawnsley Observer

On David Cameron [Patrick Dunleavy : LSE Blog]

On David Cameron {Aditya Chakrabortty Guardian]

On David Cameron: Historians' verdicts [Guardian]

Conservative Leader: Who might succeed David Cameron?

The Conservative Party Leadership [Ongoing Guardian coverage]

David Cameron [Guardian]  June 2016

David Cameron and Europe  [Guardian ] June 2016

David Cameron as PM [LSE Blog] June 2016

The David Cameron Story [BBC] June 2016

Conservative Eurosceptics and the EU Referendum June 2016

Tax increases and government spending reductions will follow Brexit says George Osborne {Guardian] June 2016

Brexit and the Conservative Party [ Matthew d'Ancona] June 2016

Enoch Powell and modern Tory Euroscepticism June 2016

David Cameron on the prospect of Brexit [Observer] June 2016

Critique of Neoliberalism [Prof. Colin Crouch] May 2016

Can David Cameron Survive? May 2016

Euroscepticism and the Conservative Party May 2016

Guardian assessment of David Cameron's Green Legacy April 2016

Critical Assessment of Neoliberalism [George Monbiot Guardian] April 2016

Guardian article on tax avoidance and the corruption of democracy [Aditya Chakraborrty] April 2016

Guardian article on changing attitudes to wealth and tax [Steve Richards] April 2016

Guardian coverage of Cameron's HOC  statement in aftermath of IDS resignation March 2016

Class War in the Conservative Party [Raphael Behr Guardian article] March 2016

The Guardian's Iain Duncan Smith Page  March 2016

Matthew d'Ancona's Guardian Column [Several useful articles on the Conservatives] March 2016

Click here for article by Steve Richards on Conservative Ideology March 2016

D. Cameron, G. Osborne and H. Macmillan [Polly Toynbee] January 2016

The Conversation coverage of EU Referendum

Channel 4 coverage of EU Referendum [Gary Gibbon's blog]

BBC coverage of EU Referendum

Guardian Coverage of EU Referendum 

Click here for BBC item and here and here for Guardian items on the Trade Union Bill January 2016

David Cameron and Family Policy January 2016

Matthew d'Ancona's Guardian Column [Several useful articles on the Conservatives] January 2016

BBC Review of the Year 2015  December 2015

BBC items on David Cameron and Europe here and here and here December 2015

George Osborne [Observer] November 2015

The Neo-Georgian Prime Minister [John Gray: New Statesman ] November 2015

The Conservatives have become the party of equality [David Cameron: Guardian] November 2015

Critique of Mr Cameron's article [ Jude Kirton -Darling :New Statesman] November 2015

The Osborne Supremacy {A Gramscian Analysis by Ken Spour] October 2015

Will Cameron change Britain ? [Janan Ganesh for Radio 4] October 2015

Jeremy Hunt and Tax Credit Cuts [Guardian] October 2015

George Osborne and Devolution [Polly Toynbee: Guardian] October 2015

David Cameron [Seamus Milne : Guardian] October 2015

David Cameron [Polly Toynbee : Guardian] October 2015

David Cameron and Poverty {The Independent] October 2015


Chronological Links 2005- September 2015


Smell the Coffee: A wake-up call for the Conservative Party    [Lord Ashcroft Report on the 2005 General Election]  

Cameron's Conservatives: 2005-2010: Timeline [Guardian]

The Guardian on "Compassionate Conservatism"

Click here and here for two Guardian articles on Cameron's Conservatives in 2009

David Cameron Speaks to the Observer

Guardian report that severe child poverty likely to increase

The Guardian Coverage of the 2010 Conservative Party Conference

VIDEO YouTube  video of Jesse Norman lecture [with further discussion] on "The Big Society" at the RSA  

Observer report on Government orders for Universities to focus Humanities research on "Big Society"

Reviews [Various] of Jesse Norman's The Big Society: One;  Two; Three

Recent Guardian Items by Jesse Norman on The Big Society: One; Two

 Observer coverage of the Archbishop of Canterbury's  critique of "The Big Society" 

Click here and here for two Guardian articles critical of David Cameron's ideological positions

VIDEO  Phillip Blond Video Lecture on Red Tory

Review of Phillip Blond's  "Red Tory"[from London Review of Books]

Review of Red Tory [The Independent]

Review of Red Tory [The Telegraph]

The Guardian Coverage of the 2011 Conservative Party Conference 

Click here for BBC coverage and here for the Guardian coverage of  the Conservatives  in 2011

George Osborne: Future PM? [From the Guardian]

AUDIO David Cameron's Big Idea   [A three part Radio 4 Series presented by Steve Richards]  

The Big Society: Conservatism Reinvented [By Andrew Heywood]

A Review of Kieron O'Hara's Conservatism [by Professor Glen Newey  for the Independent]  

AUDIO Radio 4 Analysis on David Cameron's Muscular Liberalism  

Conservative Scepticism 2012 [Nassim Nicholas Taleb and the Black Swan from the BBC]  

AUDIO Radio 4 Analysis on Nassim Nicholas Taleb 

Click here for a sympathetic account of Cameron's Conservatism 

VIDEO Click here for a 12 minute clip from the above lecture

Click here for a critical Guardian editorial

Click here for The Big Society: fact or Fantasy: A Sociological Critique by Paul Ransome from the University of Swansea

Click here for BBC Item on George Osborne [sceptical of Big Society, apparently]

Click here and here for David Cameron and the riots

Click here and here for Observer articles by Andrew Rawnsley on the Conservative Party in April 2012

Click here for David Cameron's response to 2012 Local Election results  

Click here for Financial Times article [March 2012] on David Cameron

Cameron signals end of compassionate Conservativism [ Independent]  June 2012

Click here for Andrew Rawnsley Observer article  July 2012

Click here for Lord Ashcroft's pamphlet on Conservative electoral strategy and here and here for related articles  July 2012

Click here for Guardian report of Tim Yeo's criticisms of George Osborne's anti-Green policies  July 2012

Click here and here for Guardian articles on the Conservatives and the Environment  July 2012

Click here for George Monbiot Guardian article on the Neo-Liberalism of Cameron and Osborne  July 2012

Click here for Guardian editorial on the ideological implications of the September 2012 Cabinet Reshuffle  September 2012

Click here for Observer Editorial on David Cameron and Modernisation   September 2012

Click here for Guardian coverage and here for Daily Telegraph coverage of Conservative opposition to Cameron   September 2012

Click here for Guardian article by Polly Toynbee:  and click here for a related follow up [Cameron more Thatcherite than Thatcher?] September 2012

Click here for Telegraph article by Paul Goodman on UKIP , the Conservatives and David Cameron  September 2012

Click here a Guardian article by now critical Phillip Blond on David Cameron   October 2012

Click here for Independent article by Andrew Grice on David Cameron  October 2012

Click here for long, detailed Guardian article on David Cameron  October 2012

Click here for long, detailed Guardian article on George Osborne [First published Nov. 2011]  October 2012

Click here for Independent article by Steve Richards on David Cameron  October 2012

Click here, here  , here , here ,  for New Statesman articles  October 2012

Click here for BBC Radio 4 website on "The State of Welfare "  December 2012

Click here for Guardian article on the Conservatives and the Climate Change Act  December 2012

Click here for Independent coverage of the Conservatives and Gay Marriage December 2012

Click for Guardian editorial and links on David Cameron and EU  December 2012

Click here and here for two BBC items on "The Big Society"  January 2013

Click here and here for two BBC items on the Coalition Government   January 2013

Click here for Guardian article on David Cameron: Pragmatic Mod  January 2013

Click here for BBC coverage and here for Guardian coverage of David Cameron's speech on the UK and the EU January 2013

Continuity with New Labour? Deconstructing the Triangulation of David Cameron's Conservatives : H.Alderwick [University of Leeds]  February 2013

Will Cameron's Five Nightmares come true? New Statesman February 2013

Implications of UKIP for Ideological Positioning of Cameron's Conservative Party [Guardian ] May 2013

Conservative Party Conference 2013 [Guardian]

The Guardian on the Conservatives in September 2013 September 2013

The Independent on the limited appeal of the Big Society September 2013

The Continuing Importance of Conservative Modernisation [Francis Maude Guardian article] September 2013 

The Guardian Section on George Osborne September 2013

George Osborne and Welfare [Guardian ]September 2013

George Osborne and Environment  [Guardian ]September 2013

The Conservatives and conservatism [John Harris Guardian] September 2013

Sir Jonathan Porritt on the Conservatives and the Environment [Independent] November 2013

What does Mr Cameron Believe In? [Andrew Rawnsley Observer] November 2013

Click here for Will Hutton critique of coalition economic policies November 2013

Click here for article suggesting that George Osborne "rejected Keynesianism" November 2013

Click here for "From Burke to Burkhas: Why it's Time for Tory Multiculturalism [By Richard Kelley] December 2013

Click here for David Cameron , The EU and Immigration [Independent] December 2013

Click here for Andrew Rawnsley’s end of term report on the Party leaders [Observer] December 2013

Click here for David Cameron, the Conservatives and UKIP [Guardian] December 2013

Click here for BBC coverage of Lord Howe’s comments in support of UK’s continued membership of EU December 2013

The Birth of Neo-Liberalism   BBC Thinking Allowed: first broadcast January 2013 [January2014]

On the strength of UK Recovery [Guardian article by Jonathan Portes] January 2014

The Greenest Government Ever? [Guardian Interactive Feb 2014]

The Floods and the Demise of Austerity Ideology? {Guardian Feb 2014]

Cameron's Policies "have never been anything other than  Thatcherite." [Steve Richards: Guardian ]Feb 2014

David Cameron's Conservatism; Blowing in the Wind [Guardian]  April 2014

Dominic Cummings and David Cameron  Daily Telegraph   June 2014

The Battle for what it means to be on the Right of British Politics [ Andrew Rawnsley: Observer] September 2014

The Conservative Party and Europe [Toby Helm; Observer] September 2014

The Trotskyites of the Right are wrecking the Conservative Party [Polly Toynbee: The Guardian] September 2014

The Conservative Party and Europe  [Steve Richards: The Independent ] September 2014

David Cameron and the Conservative Party [Anne McElvoy: Observer] September 2014

A Critical Assessment of Cameron's Conservatives [Polly Toynbee and David Walker] February 2015

David Cameron's most recent welfare proposals [Daily Telegraph] February 2015

Church of England and call for "fresh moral vision" [Guardian] February 2015

The Conservatives and Arrogance [ Andrew Rawnsley :Observer] February 2015

The Price of Inequality [2 part Radio 4 series by Robert Peston] February 2015

Poverty and inequality statistics 2013-14 will not be published prior to 2015 General Election: Guardian [February 2015]

Theresa May, Lynton Crosby and the Conservatives [] [February 2015] 

David Cameron and One Nation Conservatism : One; Two  ; Three ; Four   [May 2015]

David Cameron and Europe   OneTwo; Three [May 2015]

The Conservatives and the Repeal of the Human Rights Act [May 2015]

David Cameron and the BBC Independent May 2015

The David Cameron Story BBC May 2015

Blue Collar Conservatism One; Two; Three [Guardian] May 2015

The Conservative Government [Polly Toynbee: Guardian] May 2015

Steve Hilton on the Financial Sector May 2015

David Cameron as practical, non-ideological Conservative [Vernon Bogdanor : The Independent] July 2015

The UK, the EU and Free Movement [Radio 4 Analysis] July 2015

Should Extremism be a Crime ? [Radio 4] July 2015

George Osborne defends his budget {Guardian] July 2015

Polly Toynbee attacks George Osborne's Budget [Guardian] July 2015

The Conservatives' Retreat from Environmentalism? July 2015

Conservatives and Centrist Ideology [Steve Richards] September 2015

Will Cameron change Britain ? [Janan Ganesh for Radio 4] October 2015

Jeremy Hunt and Tax Credit Cuts [Guardian] October 2015

George Osborne and Devolution [Polly Toynbee: Guardian] October 2015

David Cameron [Seamus Milne : Guardian] October 2015

David Cameron [Polly Toynbee : Guardian] October 2015

David Cameron and Poverty {The Independent] October 2015

The Osborne Supremacy {A Gramscian Analysis by Ken Spour] October 2015

The Neo-Georgian Prime Minister [John Gray: New Statesman ] November 2015

The Conservatives have become the party of equality [David Cameron: Guardian] November 2015

Critique of Mr Cameron's article [ Jude Kirton -Darling :New Statesman] November 2015