Russell Haggar
Site Owner
Here are some of the Sociology sites which I use on my own site. Please inform me of others which might be added to the list. I have also added some links to Twitter accounts and useful Facebook groups and, most recently, some links to Google drive collections
Also before you begin your search for Sociology resources, you might like to visit the photographer Paul Harley's site which contains his "musings and photographs on anything from Moroccan festivals to the medieval details of Norfolk churches".
John T. Pullinger’s Sociology Presentations
Research Methods. Theory and Methodology, Social Stratification. Sociology of Education, Power and Politics, Sociology of Religion, the Media and Introduction to Sociology and much more and so I hope that you will revisit this page in the future to see new Presentations.
Meanwhile further information on all topics can be found in my Sociology textbook: Sociology: An Introduction and Beyond by John T. Pullinger
The text was recommended by Laser Learning Awards in their 2020 Newsletter It is published by Cambridge Academic and the Publisher’s review can be found here.
For my Twitter account click John T. Pullinger
Here is a very useful revision guide on Culture and Identity from Steve Chapman - Click Here to Download
Esher College YouTube Podcasts
Key Concepts, Beliefs in Society, Theory and Methods, Families and Households, Education, Crime and Deviance Twitter@EsherSociology
Park College Sociology You Tube Page
Sociological Perspectives and Methods, Mass Media , World Development and Power and Politics. Additional podcasts [10 so far] are gradually being added on Social Differentiation and Stratification [Podcasts] Twitter@parksociology
Chris Livesey’s SHORTCUTSTV Site
“The Sociology section of the site features a range of films (in both DVD and On-Demand formats) to enhance teaching and learning.” Via the Search facility on the Site Blog you may also access many useful revision resources on General Revision, Beliefs in Society, Theory and Methods, Mass Media, Crime and Deviance, Crime and Deviance PowerPoints, Education, Education PowerPoints , Culture and Identity , Families and Households and Family PowerPoints
Revise Sociology
Families and Households, Education, Theory and Methods, Crime and Deviance, Globalisation and Global Development, Examination Support Twitter@Realsociology
The Precooked Sociology Page
Families and Households, Beliefs in Society, Crime and Deviance , Theory and Methods [Podcasts] Also new Education podcasts are coming soon. Twitter@precookedsociology
Twitter Accounts geared to AS and Advanced Level Sociology Units [Organised by Ken Browne]
Culture and Identity: #SOCCUID
Understanding Social Inequality: #SOCUSI
Education: #SOCED
Families and Households: #SOCFAM
Work, Poverty and Welfare: #SOCWPW
Health: #SOCHTH
Globalisation and the Digital World: #SOCGDW
Crime and Deviance: #SOCCD
Global Development: #SOCGD
Social Differentiation and Stratification: #SOCSD
Mass Media: #SOCM
Beliefs in Society: #SOCBiS
Theory and Methods: #SOCTM
Kate Flatley's The TEACHERSOCIOLOGY You Tube channel
Very useful advice on answering A Level Sociology examination questions. Twitter@KateFlatley
The Sociology Show
Interviews with eminent sociologists conducted by Matthew Wilkin Twitter @SociologyThe
The Sociology Guy: YouTube Channel
Podcasts on Families and Households, Sociology of Development, Education, Methods in Context and Crime and Deviance [including Crime and the Media]Twitter@The SociologyGuy
Tutor2u Podcasts by Mr Craig Gelling
Podcasts on Families and Households, Education, Crime and Deviance, Beliefs in Society, Theories and Methods, Families and Households. Work Poverty Welfare, Culture and Identity, Global Development, Stratification and Differentiation
Padlet of Sociology Resources from shs_sociology
Truly encyclopedic padlet of resources on Families and Households, Education, Crime and Deviance, Beliefs and Theory and Methods
Visit The Hectic Teacher's Site
Theory and Methods, Education, Family and Households, Crime and Deviance, Beliefs in Society Twitter@hecticteacher
Sociology Exchange
Very large number of presentations on all aspects of Sociology
Haleema Begum
Power points of Education and Families and Households
Visit Ms A. Sugden's You Tube Channel
Crime and Deviance, Sociological Methods and Education [Podcasts]
Introduction to Sociology YouTube Channel : Professor Robert Van Krieken
Hundreds of You Tube Clips on all aspects of Sociology
University of Amsterdam You Tube page
Course of short lectures on Classical Sociological Theory: Comte, Marx, Durkheim, Weber and others
A Level Sociology Wikia.
A new developing site which already has lots of resources on all aspects of Sociology. Worth revisiting
Teach Sociology [Chris Deakin's site]
All Aspects of Sociology. Twitter@SociologyHeaven
Visit Stephen Joel's You Tube Channel
Families and Households, Education and Crime and Deviance [Podcasts]Twitter@stephenjoel
Visit Stephen Hickman's website
Education, Family, Crime and Deviance and Psychology. [Power Points] Twitter@stevehickman75
Large collection of Sociology flashcards from
Social Science Bites
Series of podcasts including items on immigration, meritocracy and class, education and inequality, Emile Durkheim, C W Mills and more
Visit the A Level Sociology Section of S-Cool
All aspects of Sociology
Discover Sociology: The British Sociological Association Site
All aspects of Sociology: articles and Podcasts
AQA AS and A2 Sociology Revision Site
Wealth, Welfare Poverty, Education with Methods in Context, Global Development, Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods,
Visit the Get Revising Site
All aspects of Sociology
Visit the National Grid for Learning [Wales] Sociology Site
All aspects of Sociology
Mr Adam Walton's You Tube Channel
Beliefs in Society
Social Scientist You Tube Channel
Mainly Theory and Methods but also Education and Crime and Deviance .[Podcasts]
MrClinePsy YouTube Channel
Crime and Deviance [and some Psychology] [Podcasts]
Visit Twynham School Sociology Site
Families and Households, Culture and Identity, Education, Mass media, Crime and Deviance, Work, Poverty and Welfare, Theory and Methods. [Podcasts and PowerPoints]Twitter@twynhamsociology
Visit Advanced Level Sociology student Isabelle Bradshaw's YouTube Channel
Crime and Deviance, Theory and Methods and Global Development. [Podcasts]
Visit Education Forum [Andy Walker's Site]
Education, Family, Culture and Identity, Methods, Religion, Crime and Deviance, Stratification /Differentiation [Power Points]
Bally Kaur Lail's Sociology Padlets
All aspects of Sociology Twitter@KaurSociology
The Chase School Sociology Blog
Resources on the Sociology of the Mass Media : teaching notes, video materials and links to important studies. twitter@chasepsychsocio
Global Development and World Sociology: Earlham Sociology Pages
This new page on my site is under construction. It currently contains links to a range of resources on Global Development/World Sociology including links to companion websites for undergraduate texts
Website to accompany Sociology [8th edition] by A. Giddens and P. Sutton
Useful information on all aspects of Sociology
Crash Course Sociology
45 short podcasts from the USA. Give it a try!
Meridian Sociology [SOCINSKISMASH]
Full Range of GCSE Sociology Topics [Podcasts]
Mr Andoscia's You Tube Channel
Sociology and Sociological Perspectives
Glenda Clarke's You tube channel
Sociological Methods, Mass Media, Sociology of Religion
BurnleyCollegeSociology GoogleDrive Year2
Crime and Deviance, Theory and Methods, Beliefs in Society, Revision Twitter@BurnleyCollegeSociology
St Cuthbert Mayne School Sociology Site
Resources for Socialisation and Culture, Youth Culture, Education, Research Methods, Crime and Deviance, Social Inequality [Eduqas WJEC Specification]
Sociology A Level for OCR Specification
Resources for OCR Specification but also overlapping with other Specifications
AQA A Level Sociology Teachers
Resources for AQA Specification but also overlapping with other Specifications
Sociology Teachers
Resources for all Specifications
Introducing Sociology: Dr Christian Vaccaro Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Nature of Sociology, Sociological perspectives, Culture, Social stratification, Deviance [Podcasts] Twitter@DrCVaccaro